At Coladarci and Coladarci, we will do everything in our power to ensure that your children end up with the best possible outcome, as nothing more valuable comes out of a relationship than children. Parental responsibility and parenting time (previously called custody and visitation) disputes can be incredibly stressful for both parents and children, so we first look to resolve matters of parental responsibility and parenting time outside of litigation before pressing matters further due to the destructive potential custody litigation has on children.
We’re happy to discuss your options and rights with you so that you can pursue the solution that is best for both you and your family. While we aim to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom, we are prepared to advocate for you and protect your parental rights if litigation becomes necessary.
Our attorneys have extensive litigation experience to best represent your interests in court. More specifically, we can assist you with allocation of parental responsibility, which involves deciding how the children spend time between the two parents; modifications of custody, in which adjustments to any previous parental allocation arrangements can be made if necessary; and issues of paternity, in which we can help you resolve questions of parentage.
We’re happy to discuss your options and rights with you so that you can pursue the solution that is best for both you and your family. While we aim to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom, we are prepared to advocate for you and protect your parental rights if litigation becomes necessary.
Our attorneys have extensive litigation experience to best represent your interests in court. More specifically, we can assist you with allocation of parental responsibility, which involves deciding how the children spend time between the two parents; modifications of custody, in which adjustments to any previous parental allocation arrangements can be made if necessary; and issues of paternity, in which we can help you resolve questions of parentage.